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送交者: 小侠2018[☆★★声望品衔11★★☆] 于 2024-07-28 23:10 已读 30 次  


回答: 请问楼主引用的名人名言出处,最好是英文的出处。多谢赐教 由 immortalrobin 于 2024-07-28 22:39

But the greatest military and technological assistance to the Russian government came during World War II, when the United States developed a program known as Lend Lease. This agreement obligated the Americans to supply the Russians with over $11 billion worth of a variety of war-making goods. Included in this list were the following items for the Russian Navy: 6park.com

90 dry cargo vessels,
10 ocean going tankers,
46 110' submarine chasers,
57 65' submarine chasers,
3,320 marine diesel engines,
4,297 marine gasoline engines, and 2,700,000 naval guns.
In addition to the military equipment cited above, Lend Lease also supplied Russia with: 6park.com

A $29 million petroleum refinery.
Patents for bombsights, military tanks, airplanes-helicopters, and bullet-resisting armor
Five factories for synthetic rubber
TNT, dynamite, and smokeless powder
Bombers and fighters
Tanks, trucks and trailers.
Lend Lease was also the excuse for sharing some of America's other military technology as well. For instance, General John R. Deane, who was secretary to the combined Chiefs of Staff in Washington during part of the war, reported: 6park.com

"Our policy was to make any of our new inventions in electronics and other fields available to Russia. Each month I would receive a revised list of secret American equipment about which Russia could be informed . . . . We never lost an opportunity to give the Russians equipment, weapons or information." 6park.com

In addition to Lend Lease during the war, America also permitted the Russian government to dismantle Germany's war making facilities, such as factories, dry-docks, cranes, etc., after the war as a form of war reparations. 6park.com

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