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送交者: ChinaTruth[★品衔R5★] 于 2024-07-23 10:57 已读 207 次  


回答: 老白果然出事了? 由 甲骨 于 2024-07-23 7:44

Joe Biden 'Hospice Care' Claims Debunked: What We Know
Despite these rumors, official reports provide a different story. The White House said that Biden was diagnosed with COVID-19 last Wednesday during his visit to Las Vegas. 6park.com

Biden was also videoed telling reporters he felt good before walking unaided up the steps to Air Force One in Las Vegas to fly back to his beach house in Delaware to isolate and begin his recovery. 6park.com

And he was videoed again walking slowly down the steps after arriving in Delaware.
After facing weeks of growing political pressure, he announced on Sunday that he would not seek reelection in November and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. He participated via phone in Harris' news conference Monday, and the White House states he is returning to work Tuesday. 6park.com

In an official report released on Monday, Biden's doctor, Kevin O'Connor, stated: "President Biden completed his tenth dose of Paxlovid this morning. His symptoms have almost resolved completely. 6park.com

"His pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature remain absolutely normal. His oxygen saturation continues to be excellent on room air. His lungs remain clear. The President continues to perform all of his presidential duties." 6park.com

The White House has not provided any indication that Biden's condition is more serious than reported.
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