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送交者: add321[☆★★add321com★★☆] 于 2024-07-20 12:07 已读 164 次  


回答: 只要有絕對制空權,除非是錯綜米粒的巷戰,肯定是穩佔上風 由 齐人乙 于 2024-07-20 7:52

Smith事后 感激地说:。 6park.com

In a letter from General Smith to General Harris on 20 December,
Smith stated the sincere feeling of the division when he wrote:
Without your support our task would have been infinitely more difficult and more costly. During the long reaches of the night and in the snow storms many a Marine prayed for the coming of day or clearing weather when he knew he would
again hear the welcome roar of your planes as they dealt
out destruction to the enemy.
Even the presence of a night heckler was reassuring.
Never in its history has Marine aviation given more
convincing proof of its indispensable value to the ground
Marines. . . . A bond of understanding has been established that will never be broken.
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