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送交者: add321[☆★★add321com★★☆] 于 2024-07-20 11:51 已读 165 次  


回答: 因为地形有利所以陆战1师无论是防守还是撤退,不但成功而且伤亡比小 由 株 于 2024-07-20 6:32

陆一师“跑路”很狼狈,损失也不小: 6park.com

“The three infantry Regiments has absorbed the lion's share of the casualties and arrived at Bean Patch at about 50 percent strength.”
美陆一师长津湖一仗后,其三个步兵团只剩下一半的兵力了。 6park.com

“This is one of the few historical instances of Marines having no part in a great battle. The 1st Marine Division, much depleted by casual ties, recuperated in the Masan area while training the first arrivals of 3,387 replacements. ”
在Masan地区,美陆一师除了历史(性)上少见的没有战斗任务,还有个接受“ the first arrivals of 3,387 replacements”。 6park.com

“The Marines evacuated from North Korea and spent January and most of February 1951 rebuilding in the relatively secure South Korea,”
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