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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-07-18 12:38 已读 1656 次  


My uncle was at MIT. I love tech. You know, my uncle was, I believe, the longest-serving professor in the history of MIT1. Did you know that? 6park.com

I did not. 6park.com

I think it was 41 years. Actually MIT came down and gave me a book on my uncle, Dr. John Trump. Yeah, he was quite a good student to put it mildly. My father used to complain. He’d say, “I gotta put your uncle through school!” 6park.com

My father was a little older. He said, “He keeps going and getting another degree!” But he was really smart, like the top of the line. And when he graduated from MIT—with a lot of degrees, many degrees—they said, “Why don’t you stay and be a professor?” And he was there, I believe it was 41 years. But they came down with a book about my uncle, legendary guy at MIT. So I like this stuff.

贴主:甲骨于2024_07_18 12:38:43编辑
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