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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-07-18 10:38 已读 1371 次  


While we’re talking about Russia and the Ukraine war... 6park.com

[Interrupts] I just think we have to be smart, but remember 9,500 miles away. You have to do double loads on airplanes to get them over, by the time they get over here, they have to leave. But it’s a very, very difficult thing. And the problem is that in three-and-a-half years, China has aligned with Russia, Iran and North Korea. And North Korea has a lot of nuclear weapons. I can tell you that. I don’t think that’s confidential. They have a lot. And this is a different world than it was three-and-a-half years ago. Three-and-a-half years ago, we were, you know, the worst thing that happened is we’ve allowed, because Biden is a stupid person. He’s forced Russia and China to get married. They’re married. Then they took in their little cousin, Iran, and then they took in North Korea. They don’t need anybody else. They don’t need anybody else. 6park.com

It’s a very, very dangerous world. And I actually worry about the five months that we have left. Right, I think you could end up in a, you could end up in a World War III. The man is grossly incompetent and his people, they’re fascists, but they have no idea what they’re doing, So remember this: I had no war, I had no peace, I had no problem. We had no war. No war other than ISIS. I finished them off in a very short period of time. I was told it would take five years, it took me almost no time, we knocked them out. We got [Quds Force commander Qassem] Soleimani, we got [Islamic State leader Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi, Russia took no land. You know, that’s an interesting stat. They said with Obama they got this, with Bush they got this, and they could go back further than that. Every president gave a massive, meaning they were able to take, with me they took nothing. 6park.com

Now people will write: Oh, Trump, Trump. But that’s the fact. You know, it’s funny. I laugh even as I talk about it, we did such a good job. Don’t get credit for it, but that’s all right, we did such a good job. 6park.com

With all of these other presidents, they were just feasting on the world. With me, nobody feasted on the world. Iran was broke. You wouldn’t have had Israel. Iran had no money. They were down to $300 million. I think they were down to less than $300 million1. They would have had to deal, if the election weren’t rigged, they would have had a deal within one week, I would have had a deal and the basic deal is no nuclear weapons. I would have made a great deal with them—no nuclear weapons. 6park.com

But when I came in, I saw what was happening, they were on the path to a nuclear weapon. I ended the Iran nuclear deal, which was very important to do, It was the stupidest deal. The problem is Biden has done nothing with it. I ended it. He’s done nothing with it. But we would have had a deal. So they were broke. They didn’t have any money for Hamas. And they had no money for Hezbollah or any of the 28 they call them—organizations of terrors. 6park.com

They were all starving. And there were stories around the time that I was leaving that this and, you know, I had no terror for four years. I couldn’t talk about it. Because I don’t want to say there have been no attacks and then there’s an attack, right? That doesn’t play well. But we had no terror attacks during my, during my time in office. 6park.com

1 Iran had $13.7 billion in currency reserves in 2020, according to the International Monetary Fund. On Russia, as a businessman, you’ve talked about ending the war in Ukraine. Have you thought at all about easing or eliminating the sanctions on Russia as part of the deal that you’ve talked about to end the war in Ukraine? 6park.com

Yeah. So what we’re doing with sanctions is we’re forcing everyone away from us. So I don’t love sanctions. I found them very useful with Iran, but I didn’t even need sanctions with Iran so much. I told China, that and Russia is in a similar position. I told China... I made people aware and I don’t think China is bad. But I made people aware that China has been ripping off this country for 30 years, OK, under every president, and I’m the only one who took in massive amounts of money, hundreds of billions of dollars from China. 6park.com

So much so that Biden, who got paid off by China, can’t even end the tariffs because the money is so big that’s coming in. And that was just the beginning. That was just the beginning. But I taught people that China’s hurting us. China built their military with the money they took out of the United States, right. So, I think Gordon Chang [conservative commentator and China hawk] said that the other day, said Trump’s the only one that understood China and he said a couple of things that are interesting. He said, when he started charging the tariffs, this massive amount of money that was cut, you know, we were taking in massive amounts of money. I gave the farmers $28 billion. They got $28 billion because China took advantage of our farmers. I gave it to them. Hence I won Iowa and every other place.
贴主:甲骨于2024_07_18 10:39:11编辑
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