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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-07-18 10:30 已读 1515 次  


https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2024-trump-interview-transcript/ 6park.com

很少的媒体发原文,大多是自己的胡乱解释 6park.com

Would you defend Taiwan against China? 6park.com

Look, a couple of things. No. 1, Taiwan. I know the people very well, respect them greatly. They did take about 100% of our chip business1. I think, Taiwan should pay us for defense. You know, we’re no different than an insurance company. Taiwan doesn’t give us anything. Taiwan is 9,500 miles away. It’s 68 miles away from China. A slight advantage, and China’s a massive piece of land, they could just bombard it. They don’t even need to—I mean, they can literally just send shells. Now they don’t want to do that because they don’t want to lose all those chip plants. You know, all those plants and they don’t want to do that. But I will tell you, that’s the apple of President Xi’s eye, he was a very good friend of mine until Covid that I really, you know, I was, I didn’t feel the same way. Same thing with Putin. 6park.com

Putin and I got along very well, with our relationship. We were never in danger of a war. He would have never gotten into Ukraine. I said, don’t ever, ever go into Ukraine. 6park.com

The oil prices. It was so crazy. The oil price was so crazy and it was always the apple of his eye. Just like with China. It’s the apple of China’s eye. It was the apple. It’s the apple of his eye. But the day I left they sent 28 bombers right over the top2 and they’ve been very aggressive ever since, they got ships all over the place. I wouldn’t feel so secure right now, if I was them, but remember this: Taiwan took our chip business from us, I mean, how stupid are we? They took all of our chip business. They’re immensely wealthy. And I don’t think we’re any different from an insurance policy. Why? Why are we doing this? 6park.com

They took almost 100% of our chip industry, I give them credit. That’s because stupid people were running the country. We should have never let that happen. Now we’re giving them billions of dollars to build new chips in our country, and then they’re going to take that too, in other words, they’ll build it but then they’ll bring it back to their country.
贴主:甲骨于2024_07_18 10:31:15编辑
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