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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-07-12 20:02 已读 186 次  


回答: 猎鹰9被停飞是大麻烦,因为空间站还有好多人呢 由 甲骨 于 2024-07-12 19:59

完全没法理解,所以被停飞了 6park.com

A second burn with the upper stage engine was supposed to raise the perigee, or low point, of the rocket's orbit well above the atmosphere before releasing 20 Starlink satellites to continue climbing to their operational altitude with their own propulsion. 6park.com

"Upper stage restart to raise perigee resulted in an engine RUD for reasons currently unknown," Musk wrote in an update two hours after the launch. RUD (rapid unscheduled disassembly) is a term of art in rocketry that usually signifies a catastrophic or explosive failure.
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