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送交者: 扎堆儿[☆★混在美国★☆] 于 2024-07-12 16:18 已读 989 次 1 赞  


When I cast my vote for President Biden, I wasn't expecting much. I just wanted trump out of office. 6park.com

I knew he was old. 6park.com

I knew he had a stutter. 6park.com

I knew he had a rep for "gaffes." 6park.com

I didn't care. Just wanted trump gone. 6park.com

Four years later, things are different. 6park.com

I wasn't expecting that President Biden would be the most legislatively successful President in my lifetime. 6park.com

I wasn't expecting him to help expand NATO. 6park.com

I wasn't expecting him to lower insulin & inhalers. 6park.com

I wasn't expecting him to create & recover 15m jobs. 6park.com

I wasn't expecting him to bring manufacturing back. 6park.com

I wasn't expecting him to forgive student debt. 6park.com

But he did ALL those things, and more. 6park.com

He surpassed my expectations by a lot. 6park.com

And he has more planned for 2025-2028. 6park.com

He's not a master orator,  6park.com

He doesn't move so smoothly 6park.com

But neither did FDR from his wheelchair. 6park.com

Meanwhile, trump is STILL a threat. 6park.com

He wants to be a dictator. 6park.com

He wants to stay out of prison. 6park.com

He wants revenge on his enemies. 6park.com

He wants to take away from the poor and middle class and give to the ultra wealthy. 6park.com

His Project 2025 will enable a national abortion ban to criminalize women seeking safe and legal abortions. 6park.com

His Project 2025 will take away the rights of our LGBTQ family and friends. 6park.com

His Project 2025 will transform the government into a loyalty pledge, not to America but to him ALONE. 6park.com

We might never have another free election. 6park.com

THAT is what is at stake in this election. 6park.com

We can continue to progress with Biden policies, or we can let trump destroy democracy as we know it. 6park.com

If you're looking for someone who's young and athletic, go watch a fucking movie. 6park.com

I'll take the old guy who needs a nap while saving democracy over the old guy trying to overthrow democracy who needs a legal team.
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