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俄国的强硬派?英语本身就是个echo chamber
送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-06-27 8:33 已读 761 次  


所以我们很少知道俄国内部的真实情况,只能一窥究竟。 6park.com

https://cepa.org/article/putin-and-the-logic-of-eternal-war/ 6park.com

But some even more extreme ultra-radicals, allies of the jailed former FSB officer Igor Girkin (Strelkov), were openly negative. They believe Putin’s demands would actually serve the interests of the US and China. According to Strelkov-Girkin ally Maksim Kalashnikov, should Putin’s terms be accepted, “the anti-Russian statehood of Ukraine will be preserved on 80% of its territory.” 
These extremists argue the war cannot end except through Ukraine’s destruction as an independent state. That means they completely reject Putin’s “peaceful” overtures. This raises the question of whether Putin would be able to end the war even if he wanted to. 
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