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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-06-21 10:12 已读 1178 次  


https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-06-20/exclusive-u-s-and-china-hold-first-informal-nuclear-talks-in-5-years-eyeing-taiwan 6park.com

主观臆测不算,基本引述中国官员的话,看怎么说的: 6park.com

台湾,基本说不用核武,肯定打赢 - 打不赢怎么办,没说。那么广岛那颗,是啥说辞呢?
"They told the U.S. side that they were absolutely convinced that they are able to prevail in a conventional fight over Taiwan without using nuclear weapons," said scholar David Santoro, the U.S. organiser of the Track Two talks, the details of which are being reported by Reuters for the first time. 6park.com

核武政策,中方没有部署美国那么多核武的兴趣,中方的政策没改,美方夸大其词。 6park.com

Santoro said the Chinese delegates told U.S. representatives that Beijing maintained these policies and that "'we are not interested in reaching nuclear parity with you, let alone superiority.'"  6park.com

"'Nothing has changed, business as usual, you guys are exaggerating'," Santoro said in summarising Beijing's position. 6park.com

Bejing's "refusal to substantively engage" in discussions over its nuclear build-up raises questions around its "already ambiguous stated "no-first-use" policy and its nuclear doctrine more broadly," the State Department spokesperson told Reuters.  6park.com

One Chinese delegate "pointed to studies that said Chinese nuclear weapons were still vulnerable to U.S. strikes - their second-strike capability was not enough", said Morris.
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