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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-06-18 21:50 已读 264 次  


回答: 很有意思的发展,这个中国几乎是唯一的制造国了 由 甲骨 于 2024-06-18 21:44

或者西方给的。 6park.com

Andrii, of the 3rd Assault Brigade, is in no doubt that the Ukrainian army should incorporate the use of motorcycles。 6park.com

Russia now outperforms the Ukrainian army in all areas, and Andrii believes this is because the military power of the Russian state is now running at full speed: “Our SUVs, our drones, we either have them because they come from private donation campaigns, or we have paid for them ourselves. It will be the same if we want motorcycles; the government won’t bring them to us.”
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