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送交者: 张旺教授[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2024-05-17 14:40 已读 1214 次  


BRICS: European Countries Seeking to Join Alliance in 2024

Joshua Ramos 6park.com

May 15, 2024 6park.com

Source: japantimes.co.jp (Photo by LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP) 6park.com

The BRICS economic bloc is set to continue its expansion effort this year, and a plethora of European countries are seeking to join the collective in 2024. Indeed, reports have suggested that several European nations are seeking consideration for expansion invitations in the upcoming Summit. 6park.com

A recent visit to Europe by China’s Xi Jinping showcased a mutual desire for partnership. The leading nation of the BRICS bloc saw its president receive a warm reception from European Union nations. Subsequently, it affirms previous reports of Europe’s potential place in an expanded alliance. 6park.com

贴主:张旺教授于2024_05_17 14:40:54编辑
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