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托美国的福德国经济形势一片大好 ---雷精卫
送交者: 菲克[♀★★声望品衔9★★♀] 于 2024-04-15 13:21 已读 862 次  


"German industry will not recover, - the head of the largest energy company RWE Markus Krebber. 6park.com

The decision of Angela Merkel's government to phase out nuclear energy in 2011 in the wake of the accident at the Japanese Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant was fundamentally wrong. Such a step without replacing nuclear energy with other energy resources capable of serving as an alternative to importing Russian pipeline gas "was a mistake." 6park.com

Gas prices in continental Europe, and especially in Germany, are currently structurally higher because ultimately we depend on LNG imports. In this case, the German industry is losing out. 6park.com

According to a March survey by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 56% of companies believe that the EU is losing its attractiveness as a place to do business. A survey from last (
https://t.me/node_of_time_en)September showed that 43% of large industrial enterprises plan to move their business operations out of Germany, with the United States being the preferred destination. According to fDi Markets, in 2023 German companies announced investments in projects in the United States worth $15.7 billion, compared to $8.2 billion the year before. 6park.com

It is worth noting that analysts assess the prospects of the German economy with pessimism: according to March forecasts from leading research institutes, GDP by the end of 2024 will increase by only 0.1-0.2%.
In February, the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry predicted a 0.5% contraction in the country's economy in 2024 - the realization of such a scenario would mark the second consecutive year of recession and the largest decline in the past 20 years."
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