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送交者: hackneyGina[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2024-04-11 11:15 已读 954 次  


Commitment to Addressing Climate and Clean Energy   
Vietnam signed a $15.5 billion Just Energy Transition Partnership in 2022, one that will bring considerable investment to help Vietnam achieve the ambitious targets it sets forth of limiting greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, capping coal capacity, and accelerating the adoption of renewable energy to account for 47 percent of electricity generation by 2030.  Over the past five years, USAID support helped spur more than $300 million of investment in solar and wind projects in Vietnam. USAID continues to support Vietnam’s transition to a clean, secure, and market-based energy sector through the Vietnam Urban Energy Security activity and Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program II (V-LEEP II), announced by Vice President Kamala Harris during her visit to Vietnam in August 2021. The Department of State is providing a $3 million grant to construct an innovative battery energy storage system pilot project in Vietnam, using cutting-edge American technology and equipment. USAID helped Vietnam stand up a payment system for forest environmental services that has generated approximately $890 million to finance conservation of approximately 40 percent of Vietnam’s forest area, benefitting about 500,000 rural households in mountainous areas. 6park.com

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