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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-03-06 7:44 已读 1350 次  


Nikki Haley to end presidential campaign, as last major Trump rival exits GOP race: Sources 6park.com

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is planning on suspending her campaign for president in the wake of a slew of Super Tuesday losses, campaign sources tell ABC News. 6park.com

This now leaves leaving former President Donald Trump as the last major candidate standing among Republicans, all but guaranteeing him the party's nomination on his way to a likely rematch with President Joe Biden in November. Haley will reportedly not immediately endorse former U.S. President Donald Trump though she is expected to deliver remarks to the press at 10:00 in Charleston, South Carolina. 6park.com

One of the first to launch her 2024 bid, Haley is now the last to exit after more than a year of campaigning. 6park.com


贴主:甲骨于2024_03_06 7:44:55编辑
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