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一则很有趣的新闻, 看来爱国者有要失算了
送交者: scottfox2008[♂☆★★【流氓嵞】★★☆♂] 于 2023-12-01 10:06 已读 1761 次 1 赞  


大意就是今年的天然气价格要比去年少20%, LOL 6park.com

UGI Gas Customers can expect a decrease in natural gas costs this winter.

As of December 1, 2023, the average residential heating customer receiving gas supply from UGI will see a bill decrease of 20.2%, lowering the average monthly bill from $116.76 per month to $93.17 per month.

“UGI is pleased to pass along significant savings to our customers during the winter heating season. UGI knows that affordability is important to our customers, especially when so many families are experiencing the impact of inflation,” says Paul Szykman, Chief Regulatory Officer. “UGI continues to deliver energy safely, reliably and affordably, allowing natural gas to continue to provide meaningful value to homeowners and businesses.”

By law, utilities are required to pass the cost of the natural gas they purchase directly through to customers without any markup.  

Despite this decrease, UGI recognizes some customers may have difficulty paying their heating bill. The company offers budget billing, as well as multiple payment options such as via UGI’s online account center and app, as well as an auto-pay program to assist customers in managing bill payments. 

In addition, customers with a limited or fixed income should visit our website or call UGI at 1-800-UGI-WARM to determine if they are eligible for one of several energy assistance programs. Further, UGI can assist eligible customers in applying for federally funded Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) grants.

UGI encourages customers to use energy wisely and make efficiency improvements in their homes. Additional information on energy efficiency programs is available on UGI’s website at www.ugi.com/energy-saving-tips.

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