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送交者: znr0901[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2023-10-09 20:35 已读 1285 次 1 赞  


https://www.unmultimedia.org/avlibrary/asset/3108/3108290/#:~:text=Secretary%2DGeneral%20Ant%C3%B3nio%20Guterres%20today,maiming%20and%20abduction%20of%20civilians.%E2%80%9D 6park.com

“I recognize the legitimate grievances of the Palestinian people. But nothing can justify these acts of terror and the killing, maiming and abduction of civilians. I reiterate my call to immediately cease these attacks and release all hostages. 6park.com

While I recognize Israel’s legitimate security concerns, I also remind Israel that military operations must be conducted in strict accordance with international humanitarian law. Civilians must be respected and protected at all times. Civilian infrastructure must never be a target. 6park.com

I am deeply distressed by today’s announcement that Israel will initiate a complete siege of the Gaza Strip, nothing allowed in – no electricity, food, or fuel. The humanitarian situation in Gaza was extremely dire before these hostilities; now it will only deteriorate exponentially. 6park.com

Even in these worst of times – perhaps especially in the most trying moments – it is vital to look to the long-term horizon and avoid irreversible action that would embolden extremists and doom any prospects for lasting peace. This most recent violence does not come in a vacuum. The reality is that it grows out of a long-standing conflict, with a 56-year long occupation, and no political end in sight. It’s time to end this vicious circle of bloodshed, hatred and polarization.” 6park.com


我承认巴勒斯坦人民的合理不满。但没有任何理由可以证明这些恐怖行为以及杀害、残害和绑架平民的行为是正当的。我再次呼吁立即停止这些袭击并释放所有人质。 6park.com

我承认以色列的合理安全关切,但我也提醒以色列,军事行动必须严格按照国际人道主义法进行。平民在任何时候都必须受到尊重和保护。民用基础设施决不能成为攻击目标。 6park.com

我对今天宣布的以色列将全面围困加沙地带深感悲痛,不允许任何东西进入——没有电力、食物或燃料。在这些敌对行动发生之前,加沙的人道主义局势极其严峻;现在它只会呈指数级恶化。 6park.com

即使在这些最糟糕的时期 —  也许尤其是在最艰难的时刻 —  着眼长远并避免采取不可逆转的行动也至关重要,因为这种行动会助长极端分子的气焰,让持久和平的前景黯然失色。最近的这起暴力事件并非凭空发生。现实情况是,它源于一场长期冲突,长达 56 年的占领,而且看不到政治结局。是时候结束这种流血、仇恨和两极分化的恶性循环了。
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