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送交者: 岂有此理[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2023-10-03 16:10 已读 298 次  


回答: 军神点评:普京战略目标已再次做了调整 由 刀锋 于 2023-10-03 11:34

Question: You mentioned in your speech at the UN General Assembly that the world is about to witness a new multipolar system globally. Will that system make the world a safer place or would it lead to an arms race and a new Cold War? 6park.com

The United States always says that if the Ukrainians stop fighting, Ukraine will not exist anymore. Does the Russian Federation recognise the sovereignty of Ukraine? 6park.com

Sergey Lavrov: Of course, we recognised the sovereignty of Ukraine back in 1991, on the basis of the Declaration of Independence, which Ukraine adopted when it withdrew from the Soviet Union. The declaration had a great deal of good written there, including that they will respect the rights of national minorities, Russian language speakers (Russian is specifically mentioned there) and other speakers. That was later reflected in the Ukrainian Constitution. One of the main points for us in the declaration was that Ukraine would be a non-bloc, non-alliance country; it would not join any military alliances. In that version, on those conditions, we support Ukraine’s territorial integrity. 6park.com

They had a mini-coup back in 2004, when the Americans were dragged in unlawfully, forcing the Ukrainians to hold a third round of elections, which was not stipulated in the Constitution. They ultimately put “their” person in the presidential office. And even then, we maintained good relations and worked together. 6park.com

I understand now that, all these months, I have been explaining it poorly. And yesterday, on September 21, I also “failed to explain” it properly. The second coup happed the day after the signing of an agreement, under which early elections were to be held. Early in the morning, the opposition took control of all administrative buildings. When we began to call all the guarantors of this agreement – France, Poland and Germany – they mumbled something about how democracy assumes these unusual contours at times. 6park.com

First, those “democrats”, who killed more than a hundred people during the coup, announced that they would abolish the status of the Russian language in Ukraine. They immediately announced a crusade of armed fighters to Crimea to seize the Supreme Council of Crimea. Those people simply stood up to defend their homes, their language, their traditions. A referendum was held. Crimea immediately joined the Russian Federation. 6park.com

And in Donbass, as soon as referendums were conducted, Kiev unleashed its military aviation and tanks. Cities and residential areas were bombed. These atrocities were stopped a year later with the signing of the Minsk Agreements. Last year, everyone who signed them, with the exception of Russian President Vladimir Putin, – former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former French President Francois Hollande, former Ukrainian President Petr Poroshenko – said that they had had no intention of implementing anything; they just needed time to supply Ukraine with weapons against Russia. 6park.com

We are often told, even by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, that we need to implement the resolution on Ukraine because it was approved by the UN General Assembly. Very well; if we are to adopt this logic, then you should implement it. But why aren’t resolutions on many other issues being implemented, including on decolonisation of Mayotte or the Chagos Archipelago? Why isn’t the UK implementing the UN General Assembly resolution on the Malvinas Islands? If we take the resolutions that we know about, those methods of exerting pressure that our Western colleagues pushed through, − they were all voted upon. And a good third of the countries did not support them. And the resolution that I want to mention here was adopted unanimously: the Declaration of Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. It deals with the issues of sovereignty and territorial integrity: everyone must respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of those countries whose governments respect the principle of self-determination of peoples and, therefore, represent all the peoples residing on that territory. To be respected, you must respect your population. 6park.com

Our esteemed UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres mentioned in one of his statements that the principle opening the UN Charter “We the peoples...” means democracy and that those governing must have the consent of the governed. 6park.com

The UN General Assembly also said that it would respect the territorial integrity of those who represent the entire population residing on their territory. 6park.com

In fact, a war was unleashed against Donbass and Crimea. How can it be said that the government of the putschists represents the people, or the people of the territories that held a referendum on joining the Russian Federation in 2022? 6park.com

We have no problems with the territorial integrity of Ukraine. It was destroyed by those who carried out and supported the coup, whose leaders declared war against their own people and began to bomb them.
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