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送交者: jingfei05[☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2023-09-17 2:50 已读 23 次  


回答: 我还专门再读了一遍apache license.连接内接。请解释一下怎么闭源。 由 chongsen 于 2023-09-16 20:10

The Apache-2.0 license is a “permissive” license, which means that Apache-2.0 covered software components can be freely combined with proprietary software. It is perceived as enterprise-friendly, and for example used a lot by the Android project. When other people/companies modify the Apache-2.0 covered software they don't have to keep the same license (they can make their modified versions proprietary) but merely have to provide certain attribution notices. The Apache-2.0 does not require that anyone makes their source code available. 6park.com

Google 目前是Android 的源代码的拥有者,维护升级并使之开源,但是如果一旦到了一个版本他们认为我们不愿意让这个版本开源了,他们当然有权利这么做,只不过之前的版本依然必须开源
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