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送交者: AceOp[★品衔R6★] 于 2023-09-14 20:39 已读 17 次  


回答: 新闻全都是这么写的,你自己没看而已,列几个名头大的: 由 talkabout 于 2023-09-14 18:42

That type of attack, which ensnared celebrities including Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton, is known as a “brute-force attack,” in which hackers simply try a wide variety of username and password combinations in an attempt to gain access to a target’s account. It’s much simpler—and often less effective—than more complex attacks, but it can be effective if the targeted service doesn’t put a limit on the number of times a user can try to log in before it locks them out. In a brute-force attack, hackers often employ software specially written to come up with random combinations of usernames and passwords, vastly speeding up the process. 6park.com

然后苹果出来建议大家开启双重验证等等吧,把责任撇的一干二净. 那边大表姐美其名曰不想上庭把事情闹大,不帮助其他人一起sue苹果。但是这么多人都中了这么简单的招数,还大多都是指向性的好莱坞明星,具体咋回事咱也没证据就以官方为准吧。最后事情不了了之,毕竟犯人认罪,还公开审理应该证据都有了,那就以官方为准吧。 可是苹果漏洞的补丁还是时不时就会更新,咱就说话别说的那么绝对,FBI三年破解啥的,别学国内营销那一套
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