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送交者: 西林东渡[♂☆★★军委中央总厨★★☆♂] 于 2023-08-26 23:27 已读 1073 次  


IAEA to Engage in Fukushima Water Release till "Last Drop" 6park.com

   Tokyo, Aug. 25 (Jiji Press)--The International Atomic Energy Agency will engage in Japan's release of treated water from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant into the ocean until "the last drop of the water" is discharged, Director-General Rafael Grossi said Friday. 6park.com

   Grossi made the remark in a video conference with Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi. 6park.com

   The two affirmed close cooperation between the IAEA and Tokyo over the release of treated water containing tritium, a radioactive substance, from Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s plant, the site of the March 2011 triple meltdown. 6park.com

   Hayashi explained the government's plan to make the utmost efforts to ensure the safety of the water release. 6park.com

   The government will "ensure, with the IAEA's continued involvement, that discharges that adversely affect human health or the environment will never happen," Hayashi said. 6park.com

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