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送交者: gobaobao[★品衔R5★] 于 2023-08-08 21:34 已读 83 次  


回答: 奥巴马帮过哪个企业?举出例子嘛。搞这种阴谋论只会自己爽 由 LLC 于 2023-08-08 21:21

While in office, a president has a $50,000 annual expense account, $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment, in addition to their $400,000 salary, according to Business Insider.  6park.com

The former president now earns a $200,000 annual pension, reports Money. 6park.com

However, according to Business Insider, the majority of Obama’s income comes from his book royalties and speaking engagements. His latest memoir “A Promised Land” reportedly sold 890,000 copies within one day of its November release. Business Insider reports from 2005 to 2016, he made $15.6 million in book advances and sales.
He was reportedly paid $800,000 for two speeches and at least $2 million for three talks in 2017, according to Business Insider. In 2018, he and Michelle Obama signed an estimated $50 million production deal with Netflix. 6park.com

In combination with Michelle Obamas’ earnings from book deals, tours, speaking engagements, movie productions, etc. the Obama’s are estimated to make almost $250 million in their post-presidency careers, according to Business Insider.
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