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John Kirby受采访时说美国根本没计划要为乌护航,这也是伊朗采访报道的
送交者: Ak1450[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2023-07-30 19:11 已读 46 次  


回答: 是俄罗斯退出黑海粮食协议,在没有俄罗斯参与的情况下,护航与否,是土耳其 由 talkabout 于 2023-07-30 18:40

US not planning to escort Ukrainian grain cargo ships, says White House
Zelenskyi suggests not to stop the export of grain
The U.S. has no plans to escort Ukrainian freighters carrying grain in the Black Sea, and this matter was not discussed with allies, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, said in an interview with Voice of America on July 27.
"No, there's no active discussion now about inserting warships into the Black Sea," Kirby said.
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