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送交者: gobaobao[★品衔R5★] 于 2023-07-29 22:51 已读 89 次  


回答: 以前那些ID说土耳其及北约为乌运粮船护航消息,你怎么直接相信不要英文来源? 由 Ak1450 于 2023-07-29 21:21

https://www.rferl.org/a/first-ukraine-grain-shipment-expected-istanbul/31968419.html 6park.com

First Ship Carrying Ukrainian Grain Arrives Off Turkey, Awaits Inspection 6park.com

In line with agreed procedure, the inspections will not take place in Istanbul's port itself, but at sea, at the mouth of the Bosphorus. The Razoni reached the area at about 6 p.m. local time on August 2 about 36 hours after leaving Odesa. 6park.com

Media have been warned to stay away from the vessel. 6park.com

Kyiv says at least 16 more grain ships are waiting to depart from Ukraine. 6park.com

Turkish Rear Admiral Ozcan Altunbulak, a coordinator at the joint center, said “preparations and planning” are continuing for other ships expected to leave Ukraine’s ports.
An unnamed senior Turkish official told Reuters earlier on August 2 that Ankara expects roughly one grain ship to leave Ukrainian ports daily as long as the UN-brokered agreement holds. 6park.com

The halt of grain shipments from Ukraine, one of the world's biggest grain exporters, contributed to a spike in food prices and caused concern about countries in the Middle East and African receiving enough grain and other commodities to feed their populations. 6park.com

Ukraine blamed a Russian blockade of its ports for the halt in grain shipments, while Russia blamed mines in the water placed by Ukraine as protection from a Russian amphibious assault. 6park.com

The departure of the Razoni was hailed by the international community, with UN chief Antonio Guterres "warmly" welcoming the move and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg thanking alliance member Turkey for its "pivotal role." 6park.com

However, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said late on August 1 in his nightly address that it was too soon to celebrate. 6park.com

"At this time, it is too early to draw any conclusions and make any forecasts," Zelenskiy said. "Let's wait and see how the agreement works and whether security will be really guaranteed."
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