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送交者: gobaobao[★品衔R5★] 于 2023-07-29 20:35 已读 167 次 1 赞  


回答: 俄导弹击中北约运粮船,土耳其退出黑海护航 由 Ak1450 于 2023-07-29 20:12

查不到你说的土耳其退出护航,希望你能列出原文。 6park.com

https://news.yahoo.com/romanian-cargo-ship-falls-victim-121500997.html 6park.com

During Russia's attack on the port of Reni in Odesa Oblast in the early hours of July 24, a Romanian dry cargo ship came under fire, the country's foreign ministry stated on July 25, according to local outlet HotNews. 6park.com

The Romanian Consulate General in Odesa found that, according to preliminary data, the ship suffered minor damage. No Romanian citizens were injured and the ship was able to leave port. 6park.com

The port of Reni is located on the border with Romania. Ukrainian authorities said that as a result of an attack by Iranian kamikaze drones on the port infrastructure of Odesa Oblast on July 24, a hangar with grain was destroyed and tanks for storing other types of cargo were damaged. Seven people were injured. 6park.com

After Russia's attack, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis warned of serious security risks in the Black Sea. Bucharest has also joined the security guarantees for Ukraine offered by the G7 countries.
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