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我看现在最新的消息 瓦格纳继续招人 😄 绍伊古继续出现,瓦格纳继续招人
送交者: lala2022[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2023-06-26 8:42 已读 103 次  


回答: 俄罗斯,注定衰落? 由 不知笔名 于 2023-06-26 8:20

Wagner group re-recruiting - reports
Questions have been swirling about the future of Yevgeny Prigozhin's Wagner mercenaries since he agreed to pull back his troops from their march on Moscow and head into effective exile in Belarus. 6park.com

Many speculated that the group could be disbanded. 6park.com

But that no longer appears to be the case, with the group resuming recruitment into its ranks, according to Russia’s state news agency Tass. 6park.com

“Recruitment is under way,” it quoted an unnamed employee of the group in Novosibirsk as saying. 6park.com

It also quoted a Tass correspondent saying banners promoting service with Wagner had been reinstated there, having been taken down on Saturday. 6park.com

A message on the Telegram channel Wagner Group, which states that it is an official Wagner account, said earlier in the day: “Recruitment into Wagner Group [under way] at this moment in time [to go] to the special operation zone”. 6park.com

It said applicants would have to present their passport or a copy of it, and that recruitment would be taking place at Molkino, the site of a military training ground, in the south-west region of Krasnodar. 6park.com

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