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送交者: 卢火[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2023-06-23 10:50 已读 397 次  


福布斯报道: 6park.com

Even After Losing Half Their Leopard 2Rs, The Ukrainians Have Plenty Of Special Breaching Vehicles
David Axe 6park.com

Forbes Staff 6park.com

I write about ships, planes, tanks, drones, missiles and satellites. 6park.com

It made headlines all over the world when, on June 8, a battlegroup from the Ukrainian army’s 33rd Mechanized and 47th Assault Brigades ran into a minefield just south of Mala Tomachka, in southern Ukraine Zaporizhzhia Oblast. 6park.com

The Ukrainian brigades lost some of their best vehicles that day: a Leopard 2A6 tank, more than a dozen M-2 infantry fighting vehicles and three Leopard 2R engineering vehicles. 6park.com

The Leopard 2R losses arguably were the most notable, as they represented half of all the ex-Finnish vehicles in existence. Vehicle-maker Patria designed the Leopard 2R to clear minefields, fill trenches and excavate berms—a sequence of tasks armies call a “breach.”
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