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送交者: gobaobao[★品衔R5★] 于 2023-05-20 14:12 已读 739 次 2 赞  


https://news.yahoo.com/damage-patriot-battery-kyiv-fully-211000473.html 6park.com

Singh stated that one of the two Patriot systems in Ukraine sustained
damage, but it has been fully restored. The White House initially didn’t
confirm the battery was damaged in the first place.

Yuriy Ihnat, a spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force similarly reiterated that the Patriot system is still functioning.

May 16, Russia attacked Kyiv with several dozen missiles, including six
Kinzhal hypersonic ballistic missiles, as well as sea- and air-launched
cruise ones. Ukrainian officials subsequently said that all enemy
targets over Kyiv were successfully intercepted. 6park.com

Several media reports later said that at least one component of a
Patriot battery in the city has sustained damage in the attack, possibly
from the debris downed Russian missiles, as they seemingly were
targeting the air defense module itself.
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