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价值观? 德州送更多的非法移民到副总统家附近,
送交者: 卢火[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2023-05-15 15:51 已读 682 次 2 赞  


德州已经扔了1万七千多人到蓝州 6park.com

Texas sends more migrants to vice president’s house
BY LAUREN SFORZA - 05/15/23 10:04 AM ET 6park.com

Migrants had started to arrive in D.C. near the Naval Observatory last week, when Title 42 expired. At the time, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) tweeted that Texas had bused Texas has bused more than 17,000 migrants to the “sanctuary cities,” more than 9,200 of whom went to Washington. 6park.com

This is not the first time Abbott has sent busloads of migrants to Harris’s D.C. residence, previously doing so last September and on Christmas Eve. Abbott has repeatedly bused migrants to northern cities that he says are sanctuary cities, resulting in criticism from Democrats and local officials.
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