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送交者: 卢火[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2023-05-09 21:04 已读 917 次  


The CIA was actively involved in getting signatures for the letter from 51 intelligence officials discrediting Hunter Biden's laptop as disinformation, according to bombshell Republican report set to be released Wednesday. 6park.com

The House Judiciary Committee is set to unveil a report titled: The Hunter Biden Statement: How Senior Intelligence Community Officials and the Biden Campaign Worked to Mislead American Voters. It alleges that the letter 'was a political operation to help elect' Joe Biden in November 2022. 6park.com

It alleges that a CIA employee 'may have helped in the effort to solicit signatures for the statement' and accuses former Deputy CIA director and Acting CIA Director Mike Morell and the Biden campaign of conspiring to quickly get the letter approved.
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