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米国海军用男扮女装的Drag queen 做数字大使,以期达到
送交者: 卢火[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2023-05-03 21:05 已读 1100 次  


招兵的目的。 目前招兵目标还差6000人, 招兵年龄放宽到40岁,还是招不够 6park.com

And the Department of Defense wonders why multiple military branches are projected to miss their recruitment goals this year? The Navy expects to fall short by over 6000 sailors in 2023, while the military struggles with a growing lack of interest, not to mention a lack of physically viable candidates. So, they have embarked on a new strategy, giving their marketing the Bud Light treatment.  6park.com

That's right, the Navy has recruited a squadron administrator and drag queen using the name "Harpy Daniels" to be their new "Digital Ambassador." The post is designed to inspire more civilians to join the Navy.
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