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"马六甲海峡是公海。在公海上切断中国贸易是宣战" - 是事实吗?
送交者: znr0901[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2023-04-26 12:32 已读 1234 次 1 赞  


有人说 马六甲海峡是公海。在公海上切断中国贸易是宣战,中国应对方式极多 - 神采 (171 bytes) 04/26/23  6park.com


看看马六甲海峡连结南中国海的航道有多宽, 6park.com

这是ChatGPT关于马六甲海峡是不是公海的回答, 6park.com

The Strait of Malacca is not considered international waters or "公海" in the sense that it is not part of the high seas or areas beyond the jurisdiction of any country. It is an international strait, which means that it is a waterway used for international navigation that is governed by international law. The territorial waters on either side of the Strait of Malacca are subject to the sovereignty of the adjacent coastal states, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. However, the strait itself is considered an international transit passage, which means that ships of all countries enjoy the right of "transit passage" through the strait without any impediment, subject to certain restrictions imposed by the coastal states to ensure navigational safety and environmental protection. 6park.com

马六甲海峡不属于公海或任何国家管辖范围以外的区域,因此不被视为国际水域或“公海”。它是国际海峡,也就是说它是受国际法管辖的国际航行水道。马六甲海峡两岸的领海均受邻近沿海国家的主权管辖,即印度尼西亚、马来西亚和新加坡。但该海峡本身被视为国际过境通道,即各国船舶均享有“过境通道”的权利,不受任何阻碍,但受沿岸国为确保航行安全和环境保护而施加的一定限制。 6park.com

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