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SB264 是不是排华法案?内见部分法条内容
送交者: 知道了[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2023-04-20 12:58 已读 980 次  


Section 7. Section 692.204, Florida Statutes, is created to
521 read:
522 692.204 Purchase or acquisition of real property by the
523 People’s Republic of China prohibited.—
524 (1)(a) The following persons or entities may not directly
525 or indirectly own or acquire by purchase, grant, devise, or
526 descent any interest, except a de minimus indirect interest, in
527 real property in this state:
528 1. The People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Communist
529 Party, or any official or member of the People’s Republic of
530 China or the Chinese Communist Party.
531 2. Any other political party or member of a political party
532 or a subdivision of a political party in the People’s Republic
533 of China.
534 3. A partnership, an association, a corporation, an
535 organization, or any other combination of persons organized
536 under the laws of or having its principal place of business in
537 the People’s Republic of China, or a subsidiary of such entity.
538 4. Any person who is domiciled in the People’s Republic of
539 China and who is not a citizen or lawful permanent resident of
540 the United States.

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