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送交者: 卢火[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2023-04-15 18:20 已读 851 次 1 赞  


Planning For Dismantling USS Nimitz Has Begun 6park.com

The nuclear-powered USS Nimitz isn’t expected to retire until 2026, but figuring out the process to defuel and dismantle it has started. 6park.com

The first to report on the Navy’s decision to get the ball rolling on Nimitz’s inactivation process was Breaking Defense, which cited a publicly available notice that was published by SAM.gov, a contracting website for the U.S. government, on April 6. The notice details that in order to set the necessary requirements to conduct what will be Nimitz’s quite involved decommissioning, the Naval Sea Systems Command will be working directly with Huntington Ingalls Incorporated's (HII) Newport News Shipbuilding yard.
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