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送交者: immortalrobin[☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2023-04-05 16:00 已读 46 次  


回答: 让我学习下? 由 地震 于 2023-04-05 15:23

The US government has breached several promises and treaties throughout its history. Here are some examples: 6park.com

Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868) - The US government violated this treaty by allowing gold miners to enter the Black Hills, which was considered sacred land to the Lakota Sioux. This led to the Black Hills War of 1876-77. 6park.com

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) - The US government violated this treaty by not respecting the land rights of Native Americans in the Southwest. This led to conflicts such as the Navajo Wars. 6park.com

Indian Removal Act (1830) - The US government violated this act by forcibly relocating Native American tribes from their ancestral lands to reservations in Oklahoma. This led to the Trail of Tears, which resulted in the death of thousands of Native Americans. 6park.com

Treaty of Traverse des Sioux (1851) - The US government violated this treaty by not providing promised annuities (payments) to the Dakota Sioux. This led to the Dakota War of 1862. 6park.com

Treaty of Paris (1898) - The US government violated this treaty by not granting independence to the Philippines, which led to the Philippine-American War (1899-1902). 6park.com

Executive Order 9066 (1942) - The US government violated this order by forcibly relocating Japanese-Americans to internment camps during World War II. 6park.com

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (1972) - The US government violated this treaty by withdrawing from it in 2002. 6park.com

These are just a few examples of the many promises and treaties that the US government has breached over the years.
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