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送交者: 枫叶满楼[★★都是浮云★★] 于 2023-03-15 22:13 已读 19 次  


回答: 证据: 你来找你的。我找了! 由 允許中文以及特殊字符 于 2023-03-15 20:44

Yes, there were several examples of US government orders and decrees that imposed restrictions on Soviet students studying in the US during the Cold War. Here are a few examples: 6park.com

The McCarran-Walter Act of 1952: This law, also known as the Immigration and Nationality Act, established the legal framework for immigration to the US and included provisions for excluding individuals who were deemed to be a threat to national security. The Act specifically authorized the Attorney General to deny visas to individuals from countries that were deemed to be a security risk, including the Soviet Union. 6park.com

Executive Order 10450 (1953): This order, issued by President Eisenhower, established the criteria for determining whether an individual was eligible for employment in the US government. The order included provisions for excluding individuals who were deemed to be a security risk, including those with communist or socialist sympathies. This had the effect of limiting opportunities for Soviet students to work in government or related industries. 6park.com

The State Department's Exchange Visitor Program regulations: As I mentioned earlier, the Exchange Visitor Program, established under the National Defense Education Act, regulated the entry and stay of foreign nationals in the US for the purpose of educational and cultural exchange. The State Department issued regulations that set forth the criteria for eligibility to participate in the program, including the requirement for security clearance. 6park.com

Overall, these orders and regulations were part of a broader effort by the US government to regulate the entry and movement of foreign nationals in the US during the Cold War, particularly those from countries that were perceived to be security risks.
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