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送交者: 保卫台湾[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2023-02-24 10:51 已读 814 次  


美国陆军测试有史以来最大的无人机群 美国进行了 ALTIUS-600 无人机测试,该无人机可以从地面发射。Area-I 的小型空射管集成无人系统 600 (ALTIUS 600) 和雷神公司制造的 Coyote 无人机的混合体将在陆军 2022 年实验演示网关演习 (EDGE 22) 上从各种飞机和地面车辆上发射) 于 4 月 25 日至 5 月 12 日在犹他州盐湖城附近的 Dugway 试验场举行。 6park.com


Biden Administration Announces Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine Feb. 24, 2023 |    6park.com

One year ago today, Russia launched an unprovoked and indefensible full-scale invasion of its peaceful and democratic neighbor Ukraine. One year on, the commitment of the United States, together with some 50 countries who have rallied to rush urgently needed assistance to Ukraine, has only strengthened.

Today, the Department of Defense (DoD) is announcing a new security assistance package to reaffirm the steadfast support of the United States for Ukraine's brave defenders and strengthen Ukraine's air defenses. This package, which totals $2 billion, is being provided under the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) as part of our commitment to Ukraine's long-term security.

Specifically, the United States is committing additional Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and counter-UAS and electronic warfare detection equipment, as well as critical ammunition stocks for artillery and precision fires capabilities that will bolster Ukraine's ability to repel Russian aggression.

Capabilities in this security assistance package include:

•    Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS); •    Additional 155mm artillery rounds; •    Munitions for laser-guided rocket systems; •    CyberLux K8 UAS; •    Switchblade 600 UAS; •    Altius-600 UAS; •    Jump 20 UAS; •    Counter-UAS and electronic warfare detection equipment; •    Mine clearing equipment; •    Secure communications support equipment; •    Funding for training, maintenance, and sustainment.

Unlike Presidential Drawdown, USAI is an authority under which the United States procures capabilities rather than delivering equipment that is drawn down from DoD stocks. This announcement represents the beginning of a contracting process to provide additional capabilities to Ukraine's Armed Forces.

The United States will continue to work with its Allies and partners to provide Ukraine with capabilities to meet its immediate battlefield needs and longer-term security assistance requirements for as long as it takes.

贴主:保卫台湾于2023_02_24 10:51:36编辑
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