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送交者: zh97[品衔R1] 于 2023-02-07 21:58 已读 69 次  


回答: 来看看百度的人工智能是不是可以在本坛当网评员 由 爱逛动物园 于 2023-02-07 17:31

我是谁 6park.com

您是一位使用 OpenAI 聊天机器人的用户。我无法知道您是谁,因为我们是匿名的。我只能回答您的问题,帮助您提供信息。 6park.com

what is whoami
The command "whoami" is a command line utility in many operating systems (including Unix and Unix-like systems, as well as Microsoft Windows) that returns the username of the current user. When run in a terminal or command prompt, it displays the username of the user who is currently logged into the system. This information is useful in determining the current user's identity and permissions when working with files, directories, and other resources on the system. 6park.com

what's the difference between whoami and 我是谁
"whoami" is a command line utility in many operating systems that returns the username of the current user, while "我是谁" is a question in the Chinese language asking "who am I?" In a technical context, "whoami" is a specific command used in a command line interface, while "我是谁" is a general question about personal identity. The former provides a specific piece of information, while the latter is a more abstract inquiry.
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