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1916年美国华人拍摄的华人电影《The Curse of Quon Gwon》
送交者: 必然与自由[品衔R2☆] 于 2023-01-18 18:59 已读 1025 次  



The Curse of Quon Gwon: When the Far East Mingles with the West is a black-and-white silent film. Filmed circa 1916 or 1917, it was never released and long thought lost. Two reels of an estimated total of seven or eight survived and were restored, rendering the film incomplete.
In 1969, Violet Wong told her grandson Gregory Mark about a film canister in the basement of the family home and said: "You do something with it." Mark turned it into 16mm, and a few years later, Violet showed the film to her family.[2] In 2004, filmmaker Arthur Dong learned of two nitrate reels and the 16mm print containing footage from The Curse of Quon Gwon that were in the possession of Violet Wong's descendants while researching his documentary film Hollywood Chinese. He was given access to the footage and took it the Academy Film Archive, which restored the film in 2005.[2][3] As of 2007, it is the earliest known Chinese American feature film and it is also one of the earliest films directed by a woman, Marion E. Wong. Most of the film remains missing. 6park.com

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