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送交者: add321[☆★★add321com★★☆] 于 2022-11-17 4:29 已读 1364 次  


一帮不懂英文的老头们喜欢在这搞个人发挥 6park.com

CBC NEWS 关于土豆见习的视频的评论: 6park.com

https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/china-justin-trudeau-xi-1.6653939 6park.com

Xi Jinping's threatening rebuke of Justin Trudeau was a rare and surprising move by the Chinese president, and highlighted the disregard he has for the Canadian prime minister, according to some experts and former diplomats. 

"He certainly wouldn't speak like that to the U.S. president. So it does suggest that Mr. Xi has a degree of disdain for the prime minister and does not see Canada as an important partner," said Charles Burton, senior fellow with the Macdonald-Laurier Institute and a former diplomat to China.

Burton said he found the language used by Xi during his interaction with Trudeau at the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, to be "quite dismissive and threatening," indicating that any illusions the government has that China respects Canada as an influential nation in the world have long since disappeared.

Xi's remarks 'highly offensive'

"I just think in general, it was very unpleasant. I found it highly offensive on the part of his intent," Burton said.

"We have not seen the president of China engaging in this really quite undiplomatic, rough language with a counterpart leader of another country" 6park.com

...... 6park.com

Threat may have economic, diplomatic implications

Guy Saint-Jacques, who was Canada's ambassador to China from 2012 to 2016, said that this was all "preordained," and that Xi wanted to pass along a clear message to Trudeau as the cameras were rolling.

"I would agree that this was a veiled threat, and I find this whole episode very surprising because it's very rare that Xi Jinping would engage in this type of behaviour," Saint-Jacques told CBC's Power & Politics host David Cochrane.

Xi's purpose was to make Trudeau lose face publicly at home and around the world, Saint-Jacques said, noting the confrontation shows the disregard the Chinese president has for the prime minister. 6park.com

...... 6park.com

"We have to pay attention to this veiled threat, because what does he have in mind?"

Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer told Power & Politics that he believes Xi's threat to Trudeau wasn't veiled, but "fairly direct" and that there could be economic or diplomatic implications. 6park.com

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