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送交者: talkabout[☆★声望品衔8★☆] 于 2022-09-16 6:23 已读 183 次  


回答: 下面有网友提到伊州新法取消现金保释,加州也经历类似的情况,我细说一下 由 talkabout 于 2022-09-16 6:13

Process in California

In California, the number of signatures required for a veto referendum is equal to 5 percent of the votes cast in the preceding gubernatorial election. Petitions are allowed to circulate for 90 days from the date the targeted bill was signed. Signatures for referendums need to be certified at least 31 days before the general election.
在加利福尼亚州,否决公投所需的签名数量等于上届州长选举中投票人数的5%。自目标法案签署之日起,请愿书可在 90 天内流通。公投的签名需要在大选前至少 31 天进行认证 6park.com

Signatures: 365,880 valid signatures are required.
Deadline for bills passed in 2018: 90 days after the date that the governor signed the targeted bill.
Signatures are first filed with local election officials, who determine the total number of signatures submitted. If the total number is equal to at least 100 percent of the required signatures, then local election officials perform a random check of signatures submitted in their counties. If the random sample estimates that more than 110 percent of the required number of signatures are valid, the referendum is eligible for the ballot. If the random sample estimates that between 95 and 110 percent of the required number of signatures are valid, a full check of signatures is done to determine the total number of valid signatures. If less than 95 percent are estimated to be valid, the referendum does not make the ballot.
签名:需要 365,880 个有效签名。
2018 年通过法案的截止日期:州长签署目标法案之日起 90 天。
签名首先提交给地方选举官员,他们决定提交的签名总数。如果总数至少等于所需签名的 100%,则地方选举官员会对其所在县提交的签名进行随机检查。如果随机样本估计超过所需签名数量的 110% 有效,则公投有资格参加投票。如果随机样本估计所需签名数量的 95% 到 110% 是有效的,则会对签名进行全面检查以确定有效签名的总数。如果估计不到 95% 有效,则公投不会进行投票。
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