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送交者: six6parker[♂★品衔R6★♂] 于 2022-07-12 14:40 已读 327 次  


回答: 不是天然的,而是来自美国实验室的生物技术,美国实验室是 由 scottfox2008 于 2022-07-12 14:24

Speaking at a conference on June 15, Professor Sachs said: ‘I’ll add one provocative statement, it may shock you or not shock you, you may say “I already know that Professor Sachs”. 6park.com

‘But I chaired a commission for the lancet for two years on Covid. 6park.com

‘I’m pretty convinced it came out of US lab biotechnology — not out of nature — just to mention after two years of intensive work on this. 6park.com

‘So it’s a blunder in my view — of biotech — not an accident or natural spillover.’
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