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Huawei's Ascend 910 launches this October to challenge Nvidia's H100
送交者: bc007[☆★KO舔狗★☆] 于 2024-10-27 23:52 已读 1897 次 1 赞  


Tue 13 Aug 2024
Huawei is reportedly preparing a graphics chip on par with Nvidia's popular H100, and will launch it later this year. 6park.com

Termed the Ascend 910C, it succeeds Huawei's Ascend 910B and is currently being tested by Chinese internet and telecoms firms, according
to the Wall Street Journal. The current-generation Ascend 910B, which
debuted as early as 2022, is said to be as fast as Nvidia's A100 from
2020; with H100 levels of performance, the Ascend 910C would be a
substantial step up. 6park.com

According to the report's anonymous sources, Baidu, China Mobile, and
TikTok-owner ByteDance are all interested in obtaining some Ascend 910C
chips. Huawei is said to have already received at least 70k orders for
the 910C, worth roughly two billion dollars. 6park.com


However, development of the company's new graphics processor has been
troubled by the US government's sanctions, which has caused delays.
Huawei has to contend with the usual problems like lack of access to
advanced process nodes, inability to acquire chipmaking tools from firms
like ASML, and perhaps most importantly for a datacenter GPU, not being
able to (legally) import high bandwidth memory (HBM) chips. 6park.com

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