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送交者: salonyudi[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2024-07-24 18:20 已读 1360 次  




AP 记者:埃伦・尼克迈耶

华盛顿(美联社)——以色列总理本杰明・内塔尼亚胡周三在国会发表严厉演讲,誓言对哈马斯“全面胜利”,并谴责美国反对加沙战争的人。数十名民主党议员抵制了该演讲,数千人抗议,要求结束战争及其造成的人道主义危机。 6park.com

内塔尼亚胡在近一个小时的演讲中频频获得美国议员的掌声,但许多民主党主要议员却保持沉默。他说,美国在以色列与哈马斯和其他伊朗支持的武装团体的斗争中有着共同的利益。 6park.com

美国和以色列必须站在一起。当我们团结一致时,就会发生一件非常简单的事情:我们赢,他们输,”内塔尼亚胡说。他嘲笑那些在大学校园和美国其他地方抗议战争的人,并指着国会大厦外街道上发生的示威活动。他称抗议者是以色列对手的“有用白痴”。 6park.com

内塔尼亚胡经常被指责涉足美国政坛,支持保守派和共和党。他在讲话中首先赞扬了总统乔・拜登。但他随后大肆赞扬前总统、现任总统候选人唐纳德・特朗普“为以色列所做的一切”。 6park.com

内塔尼亚胡定于周四与拜登和哈里斯会面,周五在海湖庄园与特朗普会面。 6park.com

来自马里兰州的民主党众议员杰米・拉斯金表示,内塔尼亚胡的演讲是为特朗普的共和党而写的。 6park.com

内塔尼亚胡在以色列晚间黄金时段发表演讲,也关注国内观众。内塔尼亚胡的人气已从战前水平一落千丈,他的目标是将自己描绘成一位受到以色列最重要盟友尊重、受到华盛顿欢迎的政治家。美国人对以色列和战争的看法日益分歧,使这项任务变得复杂,战争已成为美国总统大选的一个关键问题。 6park.com

众议院议长迈克・约翰逊对内塔尼亚胡表示热烈欢迎。 6park.com

60多名民主党人和政治独立人士伯尼・桑德斯抵制了内塔尼亚胡的演讲。最引人注目的缺席紧随其后:担任参议院议长的副总统卡马拉・哈里斯表示,由于长期安排的旅行,她无法出席。下一位民主党人、华盛顿参议员帕蒂・默里拒绝出席,因此参议院外交关系委员会主席本・卡丁参议员代替她担任“临时参议员”。 6park.com

特朗普的竞选搭档参议员JD Vance也没有出席内塔尼亚胡的演讲,理由是需要竞选。 6park.com

长期以来,对以色列的支持在美国政治中具有政治分量。但这次,由于政治动荡,包括对特朗普的暗杀企图和拜登决定不再竞选,内塔尼亚胡的访问受到了一贯的热烈欢迎,但这次却有所减弱。许多支持以色列但批评内塔尼亚胡的民主党人认为,共和党试图将自己塑造为最忠诚的政党。 6park.com

尽管批评内塔尼亚胡,许多民主党人还是出席了演讲,其中包括参议院多数党领袖查克・舒默,他在3月份的一次演讲中呼吁以色列举行新的选举。舒默当时表示,内塔尼亚胡“迷失了方向”,在加沙人道主义危机中,他阻碍了该地区的和平。 6park.com

内塔尼亚胡的访问是在国际刑事法院对他发出逮捕令的阴影下进行的,原因是以色列涉嫌对巴勒斯坦人犯下战争罪。美国不承认国际刑事法院。 6park.com


In fiery speech to Congress, Netanyahu
vows 'total victory' in Gaza and denounces U.S. protesters

Updated Wed, July 24, 2024, 6park.com

WASHINGTON (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed “total victory” against Hamas and condemned American opponents of the war in Gaza on Wednesday in a scathing speech to Congress boycotted by dozens of Democratic lawmakers and protested by thousands seeking an end to the war and the humanitarian crisis created by it. 6park.com

Netanyahu’s combative speech offered no sign that his visit to the United States — his first trip abroad since the war started — could bring some progress in months of U.S.-led mediation for a cease-fire and hostage-release, as the Biden administration has hoped. 6park.com

Speaking for nearly an hour to frequent applause from U.S. lawmakers, as well as stony silence from many leading Democrats in the chamber, Netanyahu said the U.S. has a shared interest in his country's fight against Hamas and other Iran-backed armed groups. 6park.com

“America and Israel must stand together. When we stand together something really simple happens: We win, they lose," said Netanyahu, who wore a yellow pin expressing solidarity with the Israeli hostages held by Hamas. 6park.com

But the Israeli leader soon pivoted to a darker tone as he derided those protesting the war on college campuses and elsewhere in the U.S., gesturing to demonstrations happening on the streets outside the Capitol. He called protesters “useful idiots” for Israel’s adversaries. 6park.com

Some hostages freed from Gaza and families of those still in captivity listened in the House chamber. Security removed protesters in the gallery who rose to display T-shirts with slogans demanding an end to the war and the freeing of remaining hostages. 6park.com

One member, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian-American serving Congress, took it a step further, holding up a sign that said “WAR CRIMINAL” on one side and “GUILTY OF GENOCIDE.” Tlaib has been one of Netanyahu’s most strident critics in Congress and was censured for her comments last year against the Israel-Hamas war, which has killed more than 39,000 in Gaza. 6park.com

She has relatives in the West Bank and represents a district in Michigan with many Palestinian Americans. 6park.com

Netanyahu made little or no mention of efforts by the United States and Arab allies to negotiate an end to the fighting and a release of surviving hostages seized by Hamas-led militants in the Oct. 7 attack that started the war. He accused the numerous protesters of the war in the United States of standing with the militants who he said killed babies in Hamas' attack on Oct. 7. 6park.com

“These protesters that stand with them, they should be ashamed of themselves," he said. 6park.com

Netanyahu — who is frequently accused of wading into U.S. politics in favor of conservative and Republican causes — started his remarks with praise of President Joe Biden. But he turned to lavishing praise on former president and current presidential contender Donald Trump “for all he’s done for Israel.” 6park.com

Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with Biden and Harris on Thursday, and with Trump at Mar-a-Lago on Friday. 6park.com

Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Democrat from Maryland, said Netanyahu’s speech was made for Trump’s GOP. 6park.com

“We didn’t hear anything about meaningful progress towards a bilateral ceasefire in return for hostages. We didn’t hear anything about peace. We didn’t hear anything about a two-state solution, which has been U.S. foreign policy for decades,” he said. 6park.com

Delivering the speech during Israel’s evening prime time, Netanyahu also had an eye on the audience back home. Netanyahu, whose popularity has plummeted from its pre-war levels, aimed to portray himself as a statesman respected by Israel’s most important ally and welcomed in the corridors of Washington. That task is complicated by Americans’ increasingly divided views on Israel and the war, which has emerged as a key issue in the U.S. presidential election. 6park.com

Tall steel barriers ringed the Capitol Wednesday, and police deployed pepper spray as thousands of protesters rallied, denouncing Netanyahu as a “war criminal” and calling for a cease-fire. 6park.com

The appearance made Netanyahu the first foreign leader to address a joint meeting of Congress four times, surpassing Winston Churchill. 6park.com

House Speaker Mike Johnson gave Netanyahu a warm welcome. More than 60 Democrats and political independent Bernie Sanders boycotted Netanyahu's speech. The most notable absence was right behind him: Vice President Kamala Harris, who serves as president of the Senate, said a long-scheduled trip kept her from attending. 6park.com

The next Democrat in line, Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, declined to attend, so Sen. Ben Cardin, the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, served as “senator pro tempore” in place of her. 6park.com

Trump's running mate, Sen. JD Vance, was also a no-show for Netanyahu's speech, citing the need to campaign. 6park.com

Crowds of demonstrators near the Capitol protested the war's high civilian death toll. Others condemned Netanyahu's inability to free Israeli and American hostages taken by Hamas and other militants during the Oct. 7 attack that sparked the war. 6park.com

Support for Israel has long carried political weight in U.S. politics. But the usual warm welcome for Netanyahu's visits has been diminished this time around by political turmoil, including the assassination attempt against Trump and Biden’s decision not to seek another term. 6park.com

Many Democrats who support Israel but have been critical of Netanyahu saw the address as a Republican effort to cast itself as the party most loyal. 6park.com

Many Democrats attended the address despite their criticism of Netanyahu, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who called for new elections in Israel in a March floor speech. Schumer, of New York, said then that Netanyahu has “lost his way” and is an obstacle to peace in the region amid the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. 6park.com

The United States is Israel's most important ally, arms supplier and source of military aid. The Biden administration had said it wants to see Netanyahu focus his visit on helping it complete a deal for a cease-fire and hostage-release. Growing numbers of Israelis accuse Netanyahu of prolonging the war in order to avoid a likely fall from power whenever the conflict ends. 6park.com

Netanyahu's visit came under the shadow of arrest warrants sought against him by the International Criminal Court over alleged Israel war crimes against Palestinians. The United States does not recognize the ICC.
Associated Press writers Stephen Groves, Lisa Mascaro, Mary Clare Jalonick and Alanna Durkin Richer contributed to this report.
Follow the AP's coverage of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at
(链接中有AP视频) 6park.com

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