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British revisionist historian failed for Holocaust denial
送交者: 笔名太长不好记[★大便一斤当饭★] 于 2021-12-20 20:23 已读 64 次  


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https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/feb/20/austria.thefarright 6park.com

David Irving jailed for Holocaust denial 6park.com

The British revisionist historian and Nazi apologist David Irving was today sentenced to three years in prison after he admitted denying the Holocaust. 6park.com

Staff and agencies
Mon 20 Feb 2006 13.42 EST
The British revisionist historian and Nazi apologist David Irving was today sentenced to three years in prison after he admitted denying the Holocaust. 6park.com

An eight-member jury at a court in Vienna convicted Irving, 68, a few hours after it began its deliberations on the first day of his trial. 6park.com

Irving had pleaded guilty to denying the Holocaust in two speeches on a visit to Austria in 1989, but said at the trial that he had later changed his views. 6park.com

The speeches included a call for an end to the "gas chambers fairy tale", and claims that Adolf Hitler had helped Europe's Jews and that the Holocaust was a myth. 6park.com

Irving told the court today he had revised his opinion after seeing the personal files of Adolf Eichmann. Speaking in German, he told the court he now accepted that the Nazis had killed millions of Jews. 6park.com

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At one stage, while giving evidence, he expressed sorrow for "all the innocent people" who died during the war. "I made a mistake when I said there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz," he said. 6park.com

Austria has the world's stiffest laws against denying the Holocaust and Irving could have faced a maximum of 10 years in prison. 6park.com

The defence had called for leniency, citing his admission and his claims that he had changed his viewpoint. 6park.com

The prosecution, however, had accused Irving of changing his position as a "tactic" to escape a harsh sentence, and said the historian was an icon for neo-Nazis and revisionists around the world. 6park.com

Irving appeared shocked as the sentence was read out. Moments later, an elderly man who identified himself only as a family friend called out: "Stay strong, David - stay strong," before he was escorted from the courtroom. 6park.com

Irving's lawyer Elmar Kresbach immediately announced he would appeal the sentence. "I consider the verdict a little too stringent. I would say it's a bit of a message trial". 6park.com

This morning, when he arrived at court, Irving told reporters: "History is a constantly growing tree - the more you know, the more documents become available, the more you learn. And I have learned a lot since 1989. 6park.com

"Yes, there were gas chambers. Millions of Jews died. There is no question. I don't know the figures. I'm not an expert on the Holocaust." 6park.com

Irving, who has written around 30 books, said he considered it "ridiculous" that he was standing trial for remarks made 17 years ago. 6park.com

Handcuffed and wearing a navy blue suit, he arrived at the court carrying a copy of one of his most controversial books, Hitler's War, which challenges the extent of the Holocaust. 6park.com

Later in court he said he had never written a book about the Holocaust, which he called "just a fragment of my area of interest". 6park.com

The controversial historian has been in custody since he was arrested in November while driving in southern Austria, despite being barred from the country. He had been on his way to address an extreme-right student fraternity in Vienna. 6park.com

In 2000, Irving sued the US Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt for libel at the British high court and lost. The presiding judge in that case, Charles Gray, wrote that Irving was "an active Holocaust denier ... anti-Semitic and racist". 6park.com

He was fined several thousand pounds in 1992 in Germany for saying the Auschwitz gas chambers were a hoax. 6park.com

He is said to have spent recent months in prison awaiting trial after he was denied bail writing his memoirs, under the working title Irving's War. His lawyer said last month Irving was getting up to 300 fan letters a week from supporters around the world. 6park.com

Irving has contended in the past that most of the people who died at concentration camps such as Auschwitz were not murdered but rather succumbed to typhus and other diseases.
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