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送交者: laowilliam[♂☆★声望品衔8★☆♂] 于 2021-10-08 23:21 已读 30451 次 4 赞  


欧洲议会在10月5日举行了欧洲-美国未来走向的辩论会,这是一个重要的分水岭。因为这是以前没有出现过的挑战基本价值观和纽带的辩论会。议员克莱尔戴莉做出了以下发言。 6park.com

主席先生,当我们谈论和美国享有共同价值观和纽带时,请不要忘记,这是一个无情地追查针对朱利安-阿桑奇间谍案的国家;因为阿桑奇公布了关于美国在阿富汗和伊拉克的战争罪行资料,美国政府试图绑架和杀害阿桑奇来灭口。这是一个策划推翻别国政权,实施非法制裁别国,以及在全球每一个角落杀人放火的国家。 6park.com

当然,欧盟现在的状况时我们只有两个选择;一是继续依附美国,参与他与中国和俄罗斯的竞争,要么切断与美国的裙带关系,投入数十亿欧元到我们的军事预算中,建立欧盟军队,走自己的路。当然,这两个选项本质上都是无稽之谈。 6park.com

美国和欧洲霸权的时代早已结束。我们生活在一个不同于以往的多极世界,比以往任何时候都更加相互连接,相互依靠。我们面临的最大挑战时气候变化。要依靠合作而非竞争来解决这个问题。欧洲要么选择把自己于美国分开,弱化美国对我们的影响力,从而发展出一种独立,和平的角色;要么进一步被美国边缘化。 6park.com


Mr President, when we talk about US shared values and common bonds, let’s remember that this is a country which is ruthlessly pursuing an espionage case against Julian Assange for publishing information about US war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, including attempts to kidnap and kill him. A country that plots regime change and imposes illegal sanctions that kill in every corner of the globe.

But of course the narrative here is that the only choices are that we either keep sucking up to US power, as it faces off against China and Russia, or we cut the apron strings, dump billions of euros into military budgets and go it alone with an EU army. Of course, both of these choices are nonsense.

The century of American and European supremacy is over. We live in a different multipolar world that’s more interconnected and interdependent than ever before. The main challenge is climate change. Getting through it will require cooperation, not competition. Europe will either extract itself from reducing US influence and develop an independent, peaceful role or face further irrelevance.

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