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送交者: 敞开裤裆任风吹[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2020-08-02 9:20 已读 1331 次  


印度在有争议的边境炫耀自己的阵风战机,能吓到中国空军吗? 6park.com

中国是个麻烦。如果中国不注意到 "阵风 "喷气式飞机对自己的J20的优越性,那就是犯了一个非常严重的错误。中国已经在担心印度在引进阵风喷气机后所拥有的重大空中优势。 6park.com


印度用最新技术实现部队现代化的努力,让人感到沮丧,也让中国和巴基斯坦人感到恐惧。中国依靠自己的逆向技术为自己的部队服务,无法想到这些超现代的技术发明。也没有国家会把自己的商品卖给中国,害怕他们习惯的抄袭。所以中国需要依靠自己的研发。 6park.com


当连歼20都没有最新的发动机的时候,中国自然会害怕。歼20使用的发动机是第三代,飞机永远不能称为第五代,最多只能是3.5代。"阵风 "的 "流星 "和 "头皮 "导弹让它成为最可怕的一种。流星导弹可以精确地攻击目视范围以外超过300公里的目标。此外,"阵风 "还可以携带核导弹,使其成为最强大的武器。"阵风 "可以在两到三个小时内到达北京,击中目标并返回。这是一个真正的游戏规则改变者。 6park.com


令中国担心的是,即使他们愿意支付同样的费用,也无法购买武器系统,因为生产同样武器的国家不会出售它们,因为他们担心逆向工程。另一方面,巴基斯坦也买不起同样的武器系统。这可能是他们的恐惧成倍增加的原因。 6park.com

Will India be able to terrify the Chinese Air Force by flaunting their Rafale jets at contested borders? 6park.com

China is a pain in the ass. If china do not take note of the superiority of Rafale Jet Aircraft to its own J20, it is making a very grave mistake. Already China is worried over the significant air superiority that India holds with the induction of Rafale Jets. 6park.com

India’s efforts to modernize its forces with the latest technology is leaving frustrating moments and also fear among the Chinese and Pakistanis. China who depend on its own reverse technology for its forces, cannot think of these super modern technological inventions. Also no country will sell their wares to China fearing the copying they are used to. Hence China need to depend on its own R & D. 6park.com

When even the J 20 do not have the latest engines it is but natural for China to be scary. The engines used in J20 are of third generation and the aircraft can never be called a fifth generation, but can at best be 3.5 generation.Rafale with its Meteor and Scalp missiles make it one of the most feared one. The meteor missiles can attack targets beyond visual range in excess of 300 Kms., with precision. Also Rafale can carry Nuclear missiles too making it the most potent weapon. Rafale can travel to Peking, hit the target and return in a matter of two to three hours. It is a real game changer. 6park.com

What is worrying China is it cannot buy weapon systems even if they are ready to pay for the same, because the countries producing the same will not sell them fearing reverse engineering. Pakistan on the other hand cannot afford the same. This may be the reason for their fear increasing manifold. 6park.com

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