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送交者: 纵观长河[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2020-06-20 8:10 已读 4391 次 3 赞  


The "India Today" website interviewed an Indian officer who was released after being captured by the Chinese army during the conflict between the Indian army and the Chinese army in Ladakh recently: 6park.com

Facing reality, admitting the gap with China can make India strong. (The following is the course of events described by the interviewed officer) 6park.com

......In recent years, the gap between the Indian army and the Chinese army has been increasing, especially in terms of equipment, training, logistics support, and modern management. We all feel that we are far away from China. In terms of morale, we are not as good as them. When confrontation occurred in the Bhutan border area on the eastern part of the border between China and India three years ago, almost everyone on the Indian side was worried that the Indian army would suffer a big loss. Fortunately, the Chinese army did not engage in military operations and we withdrew decently. The matter is resolved. Everyone was relieved. 6park.com

From May this year, the confrontation with the Chinese army began on the western side of our border, which made us nervous again. The Chinese army used to conduct activities in the Ladakh area, mainly patrolling, but this time they saw our people build roads nearby, they built tents in the Gallevan Valley, and began to build roads, which led to the confrontation between the two armies. . In June, when we heard that the military's top level was going to talk to resolve existing differences and conflicts, we all quietly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that we would return to the past and that no serious problems would occur. Because this talk requires both parties to the conflict to disengage. On June 15, Colonel Babu, the captain of the coalition, said that the Chinese might have been withdrawn from the Galle Valley. We should check to see if the Chinese army really has to be withdrawn. If the Chinese army withdrew, we can occupy it. At 5 pm that day, Colonel Babu, along with several officers, led a company to check it out. 6park.com

At about 6:30, we arrived at that place and found that the tents were still there, but no people were seen. We thought that all the Chinese troops had been withdrawn, leaving only empty tents and some materials that were not taken away, and we planned to remove these tents and ship them back together with the materials as spoils, and set up our logo there. However, when we approached the tent while it was dark, we found that there were still a few Chinese people inside, probably they were left to guard the construction machinery. We pulled them out and drove them away. Although they had only a few people, they were not afraid and refused to leave. We had a physical conflict with them. Colonel Babu asked us to demolish the tent, and if it couldn't be removed, it was set on fire. 6park.com

Two of them ran away in physical conflict, and the remaining two still did not evacuate. Soon after, the two people who ran away brought many people from the Chinese army. They both held spades and steel pipes. They asked us to let go of those two people and asked us to leave the Chinese camp. We let those two people go, but we didn't leave there. At first they were far away from us and began to throw stones. We also threw stones to fight back. But soon they rushed to us and started beating without saying a word. They are very organized and plan to focus on attacking Colonel Babu and all our officers, as well as those around us. Obviously, they wanted to take our officers as hostages. Soon many of us were seriously injured. 6park.com

Seeing that Colonel Babu was seriously injured, we had to step back. The road to retreat is along the river. All of us more than 100 people compete to run towards the river, but the road along the river is a cliff. Because of the darkness, we are afraid of being chased, many The man fell into the river while running away. But the Chinese soldiers were still hotly pursued and continued to beat them before they ran away. Some of us were captured by the Chinese after being injured. 6park.com

Colonel Babu and the other two were dead when they were taken back because of serious injuries. By four o'clock in the morning, most of the talents came back one after another. People who came back said that the Chinese are still chasing and searching for our people. The people who came back at that time only knew that Colonel Babu and the other two were dead. Many people who did not come back did not know whether it was dead or alive, so they reported to the superior that we had three people dead. The superior asked how many casualties the Chinese had, and no one could tell the people who came back, because it was dark and suddenly attacked by the Chinese. All the people were panic and everything was in chaos. No one knows how many people came from the Chinese army, or what weapons they used. It happened so suddenly that it was impossible to see clearly the situation of the Chinese army. We were caught by the Chinese in chaos, they let us all lie on the ground, hands behind our head, they surrounded us in the middle. Many of their people continue to chase down our people. 6park.com

The Chinese treat the captives well, and they dress up wounds and give delicious meals. If we knew on the evening of the

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