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送交者: 嘻嘻嘻哈哈哈[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2020-05-01 4:08 已读 10129 次 38 赞  


Scott Morrison hits out at suggestion by Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest COVID-19 could have originated in Australia 6park.com

https://www.news.com.au/world/coronavirus/australia/scott-morrison-hits-out-at-suggestion-by-andrew-twiggy-forrest-covid19-could-have-originated-in-australia/news-story/e26320d291a1c6283e2dfe4d76a36c17 6park.com

Mr Morrison said the Minderoo foundation would be “fully reimbursed” for the 10 million testing kits that Mr Forrest had helped to organise with Chinese contacts. 6park.com

“Look, I appreciate what Andrew has done as well in working on this issue with us. We’ve got access to testing kits which have all been tested in Australia to make sure they’re up to the mark, which they are,’’ Mr Morrison said. “The Minderoo group will be fully reimbursed.” 6park.com

Mr Morrison confirmed today the involvement of a private company to secure the tests had helped Australia secure the testing kits. 
“I am not going to go into how we get things done. The point is we get things done,” he said. 6park.com

“We’ve worked with Andrew to that end.” 6park.com

澳洲总理承认最大的铁矿石出口商帮助政府从中国解决了一千万的试剂盒。但是政府会报销他们所有的费用。 因此他说他不关心也不想回顾他的政府怎么解决的问题,因为问题已经解决了。 6park.com

这个逻辑,东方人太难理解了。靠,中国帮助解决了问题,澳洲一点都不会感恩,也不用感恩。因为是私人公司帮助解决的问题,(潜台词就是政府间关系太差了,连问都不敢问,只好私人公司出面恳求中国帮助澳洲人民了问题。也因此政府就不会欠中国任何人情)并且问题已经解决了。 那就开始干中国吧。 6park.com

恳求中国长长记性,要是将来谁敢卖白澳一支疫苗,就按叛国罪处理。 6park.com

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